Untitled No. 3

Untitled No. 3 \ calendar

client \ academic

timeframe \ 3 weeks (spring 2014)

challenge \ design a new way to keep track of the days and months of the year

components \ calendar frame and magnetic pieces, packaging

Most conventional calendars require you to move linearly through the year, but here the tangible act of placing tiles freely on the grid mirrors the reality of your days and experiences intertwining. The magnetic poly tiles are adorned with scans of unfinished paintings in colors that are inspired by street art, giving you the opportunity to build your own piece of art as you make your way through the year. Additionally, the calendar is additive, and so focuses on each day building on the previous ones instead of crossing off or discarding them as they go by. A marking system for days of the week and a color system for months aids in identifying the necessary elements of the calendar.

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